eytang8@yahoo.com sup?
vongolaprimo nothing at all.
vongolaprimo Just one of those regular days
eytang8@yahoo.com aight
eytang8@yahoo.com anyways
vongolaprimo yeah..? what's up with you?
eytang8@yahoo.com everything seems alright
eytang8@yahoo.com with Mitchell
vongolaprimo I see alright
eytang8@yahoo.com what's up with you?
eytang8@yahoo.com why was Roni looking for you?
vongolaprimo RE 5 might come out tomorrow and I don't have enough money lol
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo he needs his book
eytang8@yahoo.com mm
vongolaprimo so dood..
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah?
vongolaprimo excited for the upcoming weekend?
eytang8@yahoo.com ugh...
eytang8@yahoo.com I guess
vongolaprimo ...don't tell me u haven't figured out anything?
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't even know if she wants to...
vongolaprimo hmm..
vongolaprimo well u gotta ask
vongolaprimo try tomorrow at least
vongolaprimo to ask her in advance
eytang8@yahoo.com I mean, she agreed, but I haven't been able to pin stuff down
vongolaprimo ~_~